Cordigomma & Piume talks
Assopiuma continues its series of interviews aimed at promoting its network of manufacturers and the processes and values with which all its associates operate. This time, we are sitting down for a chat with Cordigomma & Piume, a company which has been producing paddings for furniture for the past 40 years.
“Quality is made up of many different factors: high-quality materials, control testing, functional and aesthetic design, industry standards and certifications, work and service processes. This is a result you can reach only with the passion and dedication of the people who contribute to the making of a given product.”
When was your company founded and what was its original outlook?
The company was established in 1983 based on an idea and thanks to the efforts of our current President, Flavio De Nardi, who decided to dive into the market of paddings, initially with cushions in polyurethane foam, and then expanding the offer with the production of feather cushions to fully complete the range of paddings.
Why do you think it is important to invest on feather products as a company?
Feathers offer a series of advantages and have outstanding technical features, such as breathability, comfort, and durability. The choice of natural and sustainable products has become a priority for many consumers who are looking for eco-friendly alternatives to reduce environmental impact. Feathers are the ideal solution to meet these demands and simultaneously guarantee top-quality performance.
How has your operating method changed over time?
Change is an integral part of our evolution. The company has always been able to adapt to its growth and to the changing market, both by embracing technological progress and by implementing increasingly innovative machinery to optimise production processes and ensure higher performance. We work every day to increase the quality of our products and guarantee our clients safety and reliability.Â
What are your companyâs strengths?
Our strengths are our strong customer-orientation, our teamâs expertise, the quality of our products and services, and constant innovation. We collaborate with partners who share these values to increase reliability towards our clients.Â
Has there been a particular moment that marked a leap in your companyâs evolution?
The 2008-2013 crisis taught us to value our strengths, which allowed us to grow constantly and steadily. The consistency we maintained over time and the hard work we put into everything we do helped us consolidate our relationships with our clientele. The generational transition is taking place confidently and in collaboration and is offering us a new opportunity to open up to change, to new ideas and new challenges.
How does your product distinguish itself from the competition?
We believe it is important to measure ourselves with our customers: we work for them and with them. The competition in this industry is constituted by highly experienced and specialised companies: competing with them stimulates us to be ever more innovative.Â
What are the âkeyâ factors that determine the success of a quality product?
Quality is made up of many different factors: high-quality materials, control testing, functional and aesthetic design, industry standards and certifications, work and service processes. This is a result you can reach only with the passion and dedication of the people who contribute to the making of a given product.
Who are your clients in Italy and abroad?
Our clientele is constituted by manufacturers of padded furniture both in Italy and abroad with a medium to high product range.Â
What advantages do you think there are in being a company associated to Assopiuma?
The main aspect is that we can guarantee our customers very high-quality standards and give them a choice of first-class feathers.
Why do you think it is so important to invest and make Assopiuma grow?
We think it is important to maintain high quality products that distinguish themselves from all other products offered on the market. We always insist on standing together as an association to maintain and raise the quality standards of both feathers and padded cushions.