“A journey from the selection of the raw material – which takes place as the feathers embark on an ascending flight, where the most light-weight and precious ones fly higher in a sort of distillation process – until the finished products such as down duvets, paddings for furniture and apparel.”
The central Galleria “The Pool” located within the 5VIE circuit proved to be the ideal location during the Milan Design Week for the spectacular exhibition set-up “Flying Softness” signed by designer and art director Ilaria Marelli for Assopiuma. Conceived as a journey through the nature of feathers, the itinerary, structured over three rooms, poetically and abstractly explored the production process. A journey from the selection of the raw material – which takes place as the feathers embark on an ascending flight, where the most light-weight and precious ones fly higher in a sort of distillation process – until the finished products, i.e. down duvets, paddings for furniture and apparel, which, thanks to Assopiuma’s certification, represent excellence within the Italian manufacturing industry.
The first room – dedicated to reception/information – was an ethereal and abstract visualization of the controlled flight of feathers.
The second room – an immersive experience – included a path of “flying” duvets that create a sort of soft and sinuous maze where you could pleasantly lose yourself and relax on comfortable chaise longues made of feathers. Light on the skin and incredibly transpiring, the natural down caressed the senses and transformed the moment of rest into a “weightless” comfort experience.
The third room – for contemplation – showed large feather canvasses in dialogue with down windbreaker jackets. A suggestive contrast between hot and cold, lightness and protection: a dance that revealed the beauty and harmony of these two opposites that attract each other.